Integrative Mental Health Therapies:
For those who seek more of a holistic approach to your mental health therapies which incorporates Integrative, Functional, and Traditional Therapies including but not limited to pharmacotherapy for the following mood disorders:
Mild to moderate anxiety disorders
Mild to moderate depression disorders
Post Partum depression
Adult ADD.
Fatigue & difficulty concentration
Prescriptive Authority
IV Therapies such as Myers Cocktail and NAD+ infusions
Ketamine Therapy is an integrative psychiatric service we offer for those patients who suffer from Depression, Treatment Resistant Depression ( TRD) or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). We offer Ketamine medication alone, or with the holistic apporach of Ketamine Assisted Therapy or KAP .
Ketamine can be administerd at our clinic via routes of IV, Intra-muscularly ( a shot) or orally ( troches). During your first appointment, you and your provider will discuss options and determine how to best begin your ketamine treatment journey and goals.
To learn more click the link below
Comprehensive Wellness Assessment
For those who wish to seek more of a holistic comprehensive wellness work up in finding the root cause of your overall wellness, not just your mood or mental health. We will discuss your medical and family history, life style habits, sleep, nutritional intake and digestion, exercise & stress to name a few. Additionally, a physical exam along with advanced biochemical lab panels for a deeper level of screening, & any other diagnostic testing that may be appropriate such as an EKG. This service includes a lengthy initial visit as well as one follow up visit to review your findings, discuss your plan of action, and further disease prevention & health recommendations.
Example of common biochemical lab tests include but not limited to : ( click “LEARN MORE” below for additional info )
Igg Food sensitivity test
Organic acid testing for comprehensive metabolic analyses
Pharmacogenetics testing
Environmental toxicity test
Mental Health Profile
Medical Management
Providing prescriptive pharmacotherapies for mental health and over all medical management for other chronic disease if appropriate. While we are not a primary care office, our main focus as a subspecialty practice is integrative mental health and wellness while also still practicing traditional western medicine. This also includes health screening and preventative care. Nevertheless, with 12 years experience in internal medicine and cardiology we are qualified to treat underlying medical issues if needed along side your mental health needs.
Telemedicine /Remote Workup
If you or someone you know who may benefit from our comprehensive wellness assessment or a Mental Health wellness assessment, please have them contact us for more information regarding our Telemedicine Service.